
Huge Drop in Traffic on Halloween 2018 Update November 9, 2018 John Mueller from Google has confirmed below that the space does not matter. I shall leave this article live for a little while so that people can understand why I came to the wrong conclusion. It turns out that it was just a complete [...]

You might have heard the term “301” before and wondered what it meant, or perhaps you know you need to redirect some pages on your site but are unsure of how to proceed, or how it might affect your SEO. If so, this short guide should help you.  In it we’ll discuss exactly what a [...]

I posted this in a private Link Research Tools Facebook Group today. My post said; “I was explaining (over dinner) to my 10 year old daughter, Madeline, that Penguin 3.0 might happen tonight. She knew how Penguin 1.0 devastated our family in 2012 – so she was horrified. I then explained that it is now [...]

The popularity of re-targeting ad campaigns (i.e. showing ads to users that have already visited or interacted with your brand) has grown over recent years.  Anecdotal evidence from advertisers has pointed towards re-targeting as being a cost-effective alternative to more wider-reach display ads. This anecdotal evidence has now been confirmed with quantitative evidence from a [...]

I had this email from one of my best clients who has two main interests: one is a highly polished very professional showband that he plays bass in, the other is to do with World War One battlefields. The site we are talking about here is not his main money site, but it is a [...]

I’ve noticed a massive trend in the countries of France and Spain for putting tons of hyphens in their domain names. For example a quick search for ‘assurance habitation le moins cher’ comes up with ‘’ and further down the list the horrifically titled ‘’. If I could be bothered I could easily make a [...]

.com v for SEO

Google has put great emphasis on Geo-Location in it’s search rankings, so if you have a business based in the UK, with a UK Postal address, I would suggest buying the domain name and making that your main site. I’d also suggest buying the .com domain name as well and maybe building a different [...]

When you have your own private name servers it looks like you are running the hosting company or have your own dedicated hosting. Instead of people seeing your web hosting companies name servers they see your private name servers. I also like this if you have multiple sites in the same niche and are heading [...]

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