This is the same as the Link Detox and Disavow service, but we go one extra step further by looking through each site that links to you, examining the whois records to find contact details for the webmaster or somebody who is responsible for the site’s content. We then contact them directly about link removals.
This isn’t necessarily an essential step in dealing with an algorithmic penalty, but it is what Google wants you to do, so you can draw your own conclusions about how that may affect your ranking. Features:
- All the steps of the LDD service are included
- All contactable webmasters are personally emailed with a link removal request
- If there is a positive response we will arrange link removal, but will contest extortionate removal fees
- If there is no response we email them 1 week later with a second, more serious request
- If there is no response from the second email we will send a third and final demand
- All email correspondence is logged and included in your report
As you can appreciate there is a lot of work involved in this service, which is reflected in the cost. However, if you have an algorithmic penalty that is holding you back, this gives the best possible chance of recovery.