An exciting new product feature from Google just launched, and it’s really cool.
“Google suggest”, as its name implies, provides suggestions for what queries a user might want, and auto-completes them. It helps to get to the search results much quicker, especially with longer queries.
The feature was first introduced as a Google Lab in 2004, and you can still play around with it at its original home at
How it works?
Simply put, it provides “suggestions, in real time, while you type”. How exactly it determines those suggestions is still to be determined, but I’m sure it has something to do with search volume.
What it means for SEOs?
Apart from being a pretty darn useful feature, and saving a ton of key strokes when trying to search for things like “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”, it will also stop a lot of typos and possible conform a lot of long tail queries.
How this plays out and effects traffic patterns will have to be analyzed over the next few months. Be sure to mark in on your calendars for next months traffic analysis to see how it plays out.